Instagram Success and More Can Be Yours: My Interview With Author Laurie Wright
Supercharge Your Instagram Success Laurie Wright is an accomplished children’s author, writing coach, and Instagram expert. Here she shares how she built her business, gets attention for her work, and connects with her audience. If you’re a writer who wants to make a living from your work, these tips will help you build a loyal […]
Want to Expand Your Reach? Here's a Way to Jumpstart Your Networking
Photo Credit: Tuomo Lindfors Flickr via Compfight cc Are you a writer who wants to go pro someday? Do you have a book inside you that you’d love to sell? Do you have something to teach that the world needs to hear? You need a network. To build a network, you’ve got to connect with […]
The Medium Experiment: My Interview With Paul Ellsworth
Have you heard of It’s a great place to get exposure for your writing! Paul Ellsworth did an experiment in one of my writing groups. He invited us all to write an article on Then at a specific time – like 1PM on Monday – we would all green heart (recommend) each other’s […]
Passion into Profit – My Interview With Nicole Akers
Would you like to turn your passion into profit? Nicole Akers has done it. In this interview she shares how to engage readers, test your ideas to see if they’ll sell, and build a tribe that will help you make your dreams come true! Nicole Akers has done it. In this interview she shares how […]
A Comprehensive Book Launch Planner: Interview with Book Launch Expert Mike Loomis
Do you have a book launch in your future? I’ll bet you have tons of questions. What should I do first? What is important and what isn’t? Do I need to spend lots of money or are there things I can do for free? Mike Loomis has been helping authors launch their books for over […]
Acting Lessons for Writers: My Interview With Actress Joelene Wolfe
You may have heard that acting and writing have some things in common. They’re both creative. They both require imagination. And both are hard to make a living doing. In this post, working actress and writer Joelene Wolfe shares how you can do both better. What attracted you to pursue acting? Since I was three […]
Should You Turn Your Blog Into a Book?
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash Have you ever thought of turning your blog into a book? Maybe you’ve written a series that did well with your readers. You’re probably thinking, if it did well here, will it do well in the bookstores? There’s only one way to find out. Put on your entrepreneurial hat […]
Better Writing Tips From a Journalist and Newspaper Publisher: My Interview With Rob Peecher
This is an interview I did with Rob Peecher. Rob spent over 20 years in the newspaper business. You’ll find his insights as journalist valuable as you work to make a better blog for those you serve. When I was at Georgia College in the early 1990s, I had an English professor who encouraged me […]
How to Really Find Your Calling: All You Need to Know in One Sentence
You’ve probably heard a lot about how to find your calling. There are scores of books. You could listen to hundreds of speeches. They might even talk about it at church. Today I’m going to boil it down to one sentence. Your calling is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger […]
Create a Blog That Supports Your Dreams: My Interview With Dear Blogger's Greg Narayan (Part One)
Do you want to create a blog that supports you? If you dream of making a living blogging, this is a must read. Here is part one of an exclusive interview I did with Greg Narayan, founder of Dear Blogger! It’s filled with hard-won insights gathered from Greg’s experience. If you want to create a […]