Frank McKinley Leadership Books
Are you new to leadership? Have you been a leader for a while and would like to know what qualities will make you a better leader? Would you like a handy guide to refer to when you need to brush up on leadership traits? If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, these […]
Think Like an Entrepreneur: Solid Advice For Writers Who Want to Fast Track Their Success
Have you ever wanted to talk to a serial entrepreneur and pick his brain? I have. If you’re a writer, artist, or other creative, you probably long for the chance to make a living from your art. But maybe you shy away from self-promotion. Maybe the whole idea of going out on your own scares […]
Real Writers Don't Write Alone: 3 Ways Other Writers Up Your Game
This is a guest post by Jewel Eliese. She wears lots of hats. Blogger. Mom. Wife. How does she juggle it all? You can find out at her blog, Write Away, Mommy. It’s filled with stories, lessons, and inspiration for all moms who blog. If you’ve ever thought that great writers live in isolation, Jewel […]
Why I Love Writing: 54 Writers Share Their Passion
I asked 54 writers I know to finish the following sentence: The one thing I love most about writing is ______. Their answers will surprise you, challenge you, and inspire you. What I love about writing…it helps me process my thoughts. It’s awesome for the introverted me. Alicia T-Rust, The one thing I love most […]
How to Write a Dynamite Blog Post Fast – No Matter How Much You've Struggled to Do It Before
Photo Credit: anka.albrecht Flickr via Compfight cc Last week a friend and I were chatting about what we were working on. She’s been furiously pouring in the hours to get her website live. She’s a whiz at setting up websites, something I know enough about to get me into trouble. I told her about the […]
Something to Believe In: 5 Anchors for Every Writer
This is a guest post by Leslie Newman. I met her at the Tribe Conference after following her work this year. In that time she went from a total newbie to a writer with a list of over 1900 subscribers, 1300 Social Media followers, and over 2 million monthly views on Pinterest. Her top 4 […]
5 Reasons Not to Listen to Naysayers
Have you ever told your family or friends you want to make a living from your writing? How did they react? Did they cheer you on? Or did they bust out laughing? Photo Credit: typexnick Flickr via Compfight cc If you’ve been made fun of for wanting to make a living as a writer, join […]
How 10 Minutes of Daily Writing Can Defeat Fear & Uncover Your Voice
Daily writing is essential to becoming a great writer. In this post, James Prescott shares how in just 10 minutes a day, you can unleash the fearless writer in you! 5 years ago I had a writing crisis. I could find my true voice, I didn’t know what I was here to write. I had […]
Why Every Writer Needs an Editor: My Conversation with Award-Winning Editor Emily Clark
This post is an interview I did with Emily Clark, an award-winning editor in Salt Lake City, Utah. It’s a bit longer than what I usually run – but if you read to the end, I promise you’ll be glad you did! If you’re a writer, you know that every writer needs an editor. Maybe […]
How to Write Anything Quickly and Effectively Now
Anais Nin said, The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. Ann Handley says this in her book title: Everybody Writes. This is true because we all: Write emails. Post status updates on social media. Write down things we want to remember. […]