How to Get Your First Big Break as a Writer
Every writer has a dream.
We want to be noticed, loved, and have people rave about us. We want our words to make people’s lives better, easier, and more fulfilling. And we want to be so good we’ll never have to work at anything else ever again.
Sound impossible?
It’s not. In fact, your dream may be closer than you think. In this post, we’ll look at a simple way any writer can get his work before an enormous audience.
What is this miracle?
Guest posting.
Every writer has a dream. What’s yours? Click To Tweet
Photo Credit: iron_smyth48 Flickr via Compfight cc
The Best Way to Think About Guest Posting
What do aspiring celebrities do to get their big break?
They get invited on the Tonight Show.
Chances are, you know Jim Carrey. But did you know that his first appearance on the Tonight Show was back in 1983?
In those days, Jim had lived in Hollywood just 10 months. During that time, he developed a popular standup act. The logical next step was to go national.
Maybe you’re saying to yourself, “I’m nobody. How can I get in front of a big audience?”
Jim Carrey was broke and unknown in 1983. When he got on the Tonight Show, he didn’t have a long list of accomplishments. All he had was a dream, and a burning desire to achieve it.
I’ll bet you have that, too.
Before he got his big break, he wrote himself a check for $10,000,000. On the memo line, he wrote “for acting services rendered.”
When his father died, he threw that check into the casket.
A few years later, he got another check just like it.
Here’s what’s significant about what Jim did.
- He had a definite goal.
- He wrote it down.
- He had a specific way to achieve it.
How about you? You can easily do these three things. If you haven’t, I challenge you to do it now.
Have a goal. Write it down. Set a deadline. That’s how you make dreams come true. Click To Tweet
Three Amazing Ways Guest Posting Can Make You Famous
You’ll get in front of a big audience.
The Tonight Show has 3 million viewers on a given night.
The biggest blog in your specialty reaches thousands, even millions of readers.
Can you imagine how much traffic that can create for your website?
Guest posting lets you reach all these people without buying ads, paying a publicist, or hiring an agent. You get massive exposure for free.
In some cases, you might even get paid for it!
More people will come to you.
After Jim Carrey was on the Tonight Show, people began looking for him in other places.
When you post on a big website, people will:
- read your articles.
- visit your website.
- buy your books.
Don’t have anything to sell? Package what you already know into an eBook, an online course, or a speech.
You have the answer to someone’s problem. Will you share it? Click To Tweet
You’ll sell more of whatever you have to offer.
You provided incredible value with your guest post. Put the same effort into everything you do.
- You’ll sell more.
- You’ll get lots of positive reviews.
- More opportunities will come to you.
That’s way better than advertising on spec, isn’t it? You’ve already got an interested audience. You’re providing answers to questions many of them have. And you’ve helped the other site look good. It’s a win for everyone!
Do This with Me This Week
- Seek one opportunity to guest post. What is the Tonight Show of your genre?
- Give them your very best work. You’ve got one shot, so make it count.
- Make it so valuable they’ll remember it for years to come – in a good way!
- If you blow it, try again tomorrow. People will forget. Besides, you probably won’t be as bad as William Hung on American Idol.
Put this into action. Tweet me with the hashtag #myfirstguestpost
Want something to help you make your big break? Write an eBook. Here’s how to write one that sells.