I Know I'm a Writer: 23 Writers Share Their Aha Moments
Photo by Rana Sawalha
When did you say to yourself, “I know I’m a writer?
Was there a specific moment you said it? Or did something happen to confirm it?
For me, several times stand out.
First, I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to write. When boys my age were playing war with toy solders, I was writing. I wrote stories as I experienced them, preferring that over fantasy.
Second, I won a school wide poetry contest. I didn’t spend hours making every word just right. I just poured my heart out on paper like I’d done so many years before.
Third, my uncle is a major player in international shipping. He has told me several times that I have a gift for writing. And he gave me specifics. So if someone who has influenced thousands thinks I’m a great writer, I must be!
But you don’t want to hear it just from me. I asked my writers friends to share this sentence:
“I knew I was a writer when _________.”
Here are their responses.
I wrote.
Brian Cochrum
I felt compelled to keep typing and release my thoughts on the screen.
Oh, and my wife said, “Hey, you’ve been blogging and writing sermons for awhile, you should consider writing a book.”
My ending to the story of how Pooh was stuck. 3rd grade. The year after my dad died and the teachers had no idea what to do with me. On my bad days I’d go to the writing corner all day long. This started my writing career of looking at things differently and offering a solution.
I knew I was a writer when I finally finished my first novel – after 9 years! I figured that if I could stick with it for that long, I could write – and more importantly – finish anything.
…when I wrote a paper in grad school and my professor published it in a computer-related journal.
Steve Hawkins
I wrote my first story in 2nd grade.
Lauren Salkin
I knew I was a writer when I started acting like one. Thinking can never replace doing. I do the work, so I am a writer!
After telling my story year after year and everyone telling me I needed to write a book, I finally realized I was a writer when I read the book You Are a Writer by Jeff Goins.
When I carried a journal & multiple notebooks & pens with me everywhere I went. I don’t leave the house without it. I decided I couldn’t just write a cookbook I had to write a story in it.
Diana Blessed Riley
I was old enough to hold a crayon.
Dawn-Renée Rice
To quote Gaga: I was born this way. Seriously. I was born with a flair for dramatic words.
Jeannie Ingraham
I knew I was a writer when a grieving parent read my book on surviving the loss of a child and said it changed their life.
Sandy Peckinpah
I knew I was a writer in the second grade when I wrote my first story.
I submitted a piece for the Rockford Writers Guild anthology and the piece was accepted.
Rebecca Kojetin
I decided to believe it.
Deanne Michelle Welsh
When I went to the Faith & Culture Writers conference here in Portland and realized, “Writers are healers. These are my people.” I knew I was a counselor going in, but I saw I was also a writer coming out.
There’s nothing like spending time with kindred spirits to affirm what’s most true about yourself.
Sovann Pen
I always knew I could be a writer, but I never believed I could do it. When I finished Nano 2 years ago, I knew it was possible for me. And when I declared I was a writer, I knew that I could not only be a writer but be great, too.
Blake Powell
I have been writing all of my life in one way or another. It was when I declared I was a writer that I felt like one too.
Karen Elizabeth Monteith
When the Lord gave 150 poems when I first met Jesus and started to study the Bible. Only 17 years ago. It’s been a wild ride since.
Jan Cox
When readers began sharing how the words I wrote brought healing and made an impact on their lives in some way. I believe God inspires the words and I am called and compelled to share them. Jeff told me I was a writer and those words of affirmation were inspiring as well. Still are.
Doris Crusco Swift
I knew I could chose to be.
Yordanos Micaiah
I said, out loud, I’m a writer.
I wrote a letter to the editor. I don’t get the newspaper where I live but somebody read it and check my hand out of the parking lot at church. People do read and like my letters to the editor.
Shirley Kufeldt
Do This Now
If you found these quotes encouraging, share this post with your friends. Leave a comment. And feel to add your own aha moment below!
And if you don’t believe you’re a writer yet, say this out loud:
My name is ____, and I am a writer.
Now go out there and make an impact with your writing!